Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Body on the Floor of the Rotunda

Off to a good start, our launching campaign for a great thriller by Bozeman author, Jim Moore, lost momentum when the call for help of one of Raven Publishing's authors took our immediate attention.

We are still mourning the passing of Joan Bochmann, author of Absaroka, who left her cancer-ravaged body on September 26, 2013. Yet, as Joan would want us to, we want to continue to share the news of the latest release by our best-selling author, Jim Moore. It is too good to be ignored, and there is still plenty of time to put this book, in hard or soft cover, on your holiday shopping list.

About The Body on the Floor of the Rotunda:

Murder in the Capitol becomes the top news story when the body of Gloria Angel, the popular and lovely assistant to the governor of Montana is found on the floor of the rotunda of Montana s capitol. When an autopsy indicates foul play, Missoula Senator Audrey Welter finds herself accused of murder. She turns to a Senate colleague, attorney Stretch Bruce from Roundup, to represent her. They struggle to fulfill their legislative obligations while preparing a defense to the charge and trying to figure out who is the real killer. Was it the Governor? The Attorney General? The vagrant found lurking in the basement of Capitol? Was it Audrey s former husband, who was enamored with the dead woman and had been stalking her? The twists and turns come one after another right up to the end of the trial, as Audrey’s life hangs in the balance. 

“don’t pick up this book expecting to go to bed early”
Judge William Russell McElyea

“There is a ‘Montana Way’ in everything Jim Moore does. This novel deserves to be read by everyone who loves our great state.”
Neil J. Lynch, Former Majority Leader, Montana State Senate 

“The intertwining of the legislative process, cross-party politics, unscru- pulous politicians, a murder and a sneator/attorey/rancher who helps the damsel in distress makes for a great story.”
Cindy Younkin, Attorney and former Majority Whip, Montana House of Representatives. 

“Love and Lust drive the action that ends with a dramatic courtroom scene. This novel captivates right to the end.”
Kathleen Mohn, founder of Speak and Write, a corporate training firm

Available in hard or soft cover at many fine stores including Montana's largest independent books store, Country Book Shelf, as well as many online sites including http://www.ravenpublishing.netAmazon or as an ebook at Smashwords or Amazon's Kindle.

Sit back and enjoy the ride!

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